Drugs Create Super-Soldier

5 Drugs Used to Create a Super-Soldier:


5 Drugs Used to Create a Super-Soldier

5 Drugs Used to Create a Super-Soldier

Even though Super-Soldiers might sound like a bad narrative from a sci-fi film, they are more real than ever in a world obsessed with technological and biological advancement. Forget about crazy scientists in abandoned castlesthese drugs are real and they really work too. These drugs aren’t locked away in Area 51 type secret government bases either, a lot of these drugs are actually available right now for anyone to buy.


1. XBD173 : Anxiety Killer

Shell shock, post traumatic stress, different names but the same meaning. XBD173 is a drug that can not only eradicate anxiety and fear but it can do it instantly without any side effects or withdrawal symptoms. In total 1 in 8 soldiers, who’ve fought in the Iraq war, suffer from post traumatic stress disorder which is over 10% of the armed forces. Removing anxiety would create fearless and unstoppable soldiers who wouldn’t be affected by any of war’s brutalities or cruelties.

2. Provigil : No More Sleep

Imagine a soldier that didn’t need to sleep or rest half as much as a ‘normal’ soldier did? Completely possible with Provigil (AKA Modafinil) which was initially created to deal with narcolepsy, shift work sleep disorder and excessive daytime sleepiness. The drug radically improves work rate and alertness which means even with less sleep or rest, a soldier can work harder and more effectively.

3. D-IX : Nazi Cocaine

D-IX is a cocaine based drug originally created by the Nazis under Hitler’s evil reign. Criminologist and expert Wolf Kemper said “It was Hitler’s last secret weapon to win a war he had already lost long ago”. The drug was initially tested on prisoners at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, they were given 20kg packs to carry and which marched with for 90km without rest.

4. Valproic Acid : Super Survivors

When a soldier suffers an injury that causes rapid blood loss, the body’s reaction is to go into shock which will sustain life for a short time however, if the body stays in shock for more than a short time, it can lead to organ failure, and death can soon follow. Valproic acid causes 87% of blood loss victims to survive (well in cows at least) which means that it could be possible to survive for prolonged hours after a bad injury.

5. Select Androgen Receptor Modulators : Instant Muscle Mass

Anabolic steroids are simply concentrated amounts of testosterone that rapidly build muscle mass but scientists have never been able to completely rid undesired side effects, until now. SARMs are a new and improved version of anabolic steroids that allows huge muscle growth without any side effects, whilst a potential super soldier wouldn’t be the size of the Incredible Hulk or nearly as green, this almost overnight treatment could turn a scrawny bunch of boys into a bulky troop of men.